From the beginning of the project in March 2022, there was an interested public and media coverage. Here you may find some print and online references (in English and/ or German), which are continuously updated and supplemented. Press inquiries and other information gladly directly to

Preview: October 12 & 13, 2023 “I am Now” – Scenic reading with music based on the blog “Women on the Run” by Sandy Bossier-Steuerwald. As part of the IMPULS FESTIVAL 2023, eight selected portraits will be brought to the stage.

15. June 2023 – At the Winners Night of the European Publishing Congress 2023 in Vienna, the best newspapers, magazines and digital projects in Europe were presented: “Women on the Run” received the “European Digital Publishing Platform of the Year” award.

Credit: Medienfachverlag Oberauer/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl – Fotograf: Ludwig Schedl

02. July 2022 Print Mag “Berliner Woche” Interview (in German)

20. June 2022 Interview (in German): “Meist fließen in den Gesprächen Tränen

20. June 2022 Interview (in German): “Den größten Kampf führen die Frauen mit sich selbst

20. June 2022 LinkedIn Campaign (in German): Portrait- Pakte „Frauen auf der Flucht“ – Cooperation between Tatjana Kiel (#WeAreAllUkrainians), German Influencers & Journalist Sandy Bossier-Steuerwald

20. June 2022 “Hallo Bloggi” Interview (in German): Weltflüchtlingstag 2022 & Introduction Movie @ and Instagram

19. & 20. June 2022 “Faces of Moms” Interview with Instagram Posts (in German)

16. June 2022 Online-Mag “München mit Kind“/ Project Presentation (in German): „Du schreibst nicht nur Geschichten, du schreibst Geschichte.“

03. June 2022 Stadtlandmama Blog/ Portrait (in German): “Hanna kehrte in die Ukraine zurück, um zu helfen – ihre Kinder blieben in Italien

29. April 2022 Strato Blog/ Interview (in German): “Ich möchte Frauen auf der Flucht ein Gesicht geben